Installation Guide: Treadsafe® GRP
1. Safety
When installing TreadSafe® GRP, standard personal protective equipment should be worn as a minimum. These include 3M dust mask (or similar), safety goggles, heavy duty gloves and overalls. TreadSafe® GRP should be cut in a well ventilated area or close to extraction points. Dust residue can be disposed of using normal waste disposal methods. No special permissions or licences are required.
2. Preparation:
Ensure that the areas that are to be fitted are clean and dry and free from loose and crumbly material. Any “dished” or damaged surface areas should be patch repaired to provide a reasonably flat and consistent surface.
Dry fit all TreadSafe® GRP panels to ensure that they fit freely and that they sit flat down onto the surface. If required, TreadSafe® GRP can be trimmed on site to suit using an industrial jigsaw and appropriate cutting blades (Bosch T101 A1F or similar are ideal).
3. Installation using Mechanical fixings:
Panels can be fitted using mechanical fixings and/or an appropriate high strength adhesive.
When fitting using mechanical fixings, drill the locating holes in all the panels. While individual circumstances will vary, the following can be used as a guide:-
Stair Treads: Drill two holes on each side of the stair tread, one approximately 15mm in from the back edge and 15mm in from the side. The second one should again be approximately 15mm in from the side and in line with the black and yellow dividing line. Use the first drilled panel as a template for the other panels so as to achieve uniformity.
Landing Covers: The front edge fixing points should again be approximately 15mm in from the side and in line with the black and yellow dividing line. The remaining fixing points should be 15mm in from the edges and at approximately 600mm centres.
Flat Decking Sheets: Drill holes 15mm in from all edges at approximately 60mm centres. Depending on the width of the panels, it may be necessary to provide fixing points, again at 600mm centres, down the middle of the panels.
Safety Edgings: Drill two holes on each side of the safety edging profile, approximately 50mm in from each edge and centred on the top edge. Whilst different sizes of safety edging will determine the exact amount of fixing required, as a guide drill holes about 300mm in from the two holes drilled at each end and then every 300 – 400mm. Marking out in pencil will enable you to achieve evenly spaced drill holes as close as possible to 300mm. Use the first drilled safety edging as a template to achieve uniformity.
Recommended Mechanical Fixings:
Over timber: 30mm zinc plated or stainless steel screws
Over steel plate: 20mm self-tapping pan head Pozi or stainless steel screws or 20mm self-tapping pan head Philips zinc plated screws
Over concrete: 30mm zinc plated or stainless steel impact anchors (Hilti HPS-1 or similar)
Over open mesh: Stainless steel or zinc plated saddle clips and domed head bolts suitable in length for the depth of the existing treads
4. Installation using adhesives:
While mechanical fixings are all that is required to secure TreadSafe® GRP, wherever possible, the application of an appropriate high strength gap filling adhesive will provide the following benefits:-
a. A secondary fixing in the event that the mechanical fixings should fail.
b. A barrier against the drumming noise that is created when fitting a cover over the existing substrate.
For stair treads, landing covers and flat decking sheets, apply a 6mm bead of high strength gap filling adhesive around the periphery of the panel and in horizontal strips at approximately 200mm centres. For the safety edgings, a 6mm bead of adhesive should be applied along the underneath of the profile on the largest edge approximately 10mm in from the back edge, running it the whole length of the profile.
As soon as the adhesive is applied, immediately press the panel firmly to the substrate to ensure adequate transfer of adhesive. A firm bond will be achieved in about one hour under normal circumstances and conditions. Stair treads, landing covers and flat decking sheets should then be secured with mechanical fixings. The adhesive sealant should be allowed to cure before allowing excessive traffic to use the areas.
Safety Edgings: Adhesive Fixings:
Safety edgings can be fixed without the need for mechanical fixings. This is achieved by using a polyurethane adhesive sealant such as 3M 5200 FC. This adhesive should be applied in the same way as the application of the gap filling adhesive described in 3b above. Once installed, do not allow the stairs to be used for a minimum of 24 hours and, regardless of the cure time, do not put the steps back into service until all safety edgings have been checked and confirmed as secure.
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